our news vs professional news- Tobi

 Our News Teams
 Professional News Team
 our news teams is 3 people; Tobi, Elias and Seun. Our roles in the new packages are; Elias - editing, Tobi - infographs and statistics, Seun - Chief editor on after effects, premier elements and presenter. 
In a professional team there would be around 30+ people in a team which more than us and each department has roughly 5 people to help with editing, gathering information and doing the info-graphics. Another thing about professional team is they have more than one presenter to share the information between however they have more information to cover. 
 In our new team it takes a while to get the infographics and the statistics sorted out as I have to watch tutorial to do the infographic which is a long process.
In a professional news team you have a few people in a the infographic and statistic department and they know what they are doing and they can make the infographic in a certain amount of time.
In our news team we have to film with camcorder and a tripod and sometimes on our phone as the camera quality is better
In a professional new they have the best high quality camera to record footage with 1080 p hd quality which would be one of the standards quality but that would be our the highest mode in our mode. Professional team would also have cameras with camera lighting and that has microphones attached to it to catch the audio. 
