Editing Update - Elias

Just to fill you in and update you with where and what I've been doing these past couple weeks. Pictured in this post below you can see a premiere elements editing software opened with our footage attached. I've been going through all 4 hours worth of the footage that we have managed to collect so far and edit out the irrelevant and keep the good shots, whilst also making note of things we could record/capture again to improve our use of cinematography and camera angles. Looking back on what I've recorded has allowed me to see good things to capture when I'm out shooting again.

I've managed to shorten to it down to 33 minutes worth of footage. Saving all the trimmed clips in a different file, as I'll need them for later when I'm editing the full news package. So the aim for this task edit right now would be the final draft of the Opening sequence, taking on advice from my colleagues and tutors. I decided that I should start over completely, Music included! to help satisfy the needs of our audience, and help the main focus of our news package to be displayed properly.
